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  1. Bob

    Comment by 'Bob' in article 'Photographers from around the world'

    Testing 1....2....3
  2. Bob

    Comment by 'Bob' in article 'Winter fun in Western Montana'

    I was sitting/standing on mine when taking both pictures. I have a Ski Doo and a Polaris. Ski Doo is strictly trail sled model (trading it in this offseason and getting something different). The Polaris is a cross over, cause I like go OFF TRAIL a lot and trail sleds SUCK in powder lol I love...
  3. Bob

    Comment by 'Bob' in article 'RUSH - 2112'

    Replying to your reply :D
  4. RUSH - 2112

    RUSH - 2112

    2112 (pronounced "twenty-one twelve") is the fourth studio album by the Canadian rock band Rush, released on April 1, 1976 by Anthem Records. After they finished touring their previous album, Caress of Steel, in early 1976, the band were in financial hardship due to the album's disappointing...
  5. Bob

    Review by 'Bob' in article 'Nano Tech take the world by storm'

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis ligula dictum, egestas ante eu, tempor dolor. Nam pretium mauris at molestie dapibus. Donec vestibulum aliquet nisi, id rutrum nisi sagittis sit amet. In quis massa a dolor tempus congue sit amet eu lectus. Sed maximus, nisi...
  6. Bob

    Comment by 'Bob' in article 'Nano Tech take the world by storm'

    Nano- (symbol n) is a unit prefix meaning "one billionth". Used primarily with the metric system, this prefix denotes a factor of 10−9 or 0.000000001.
  7. Nano Tech take the world by storm

    Nano Tech take the world by storm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis ligula dictum, egestas ante eu, tempor dolor. Nam pretium mauris at molestie dapibus. Donec vestibulum aliquet nisi, id rutrum nisi sagittis sit amet. In quis massa a dolor tempus congue sit amet eu lectus. Sed maximus, nisi...
  8. Bob

    Nano Tech take the world by storm

    This thread is for the general discussion of the article Nano Tech take the world by storm. Please add to the discussion here.
  9. Bob

    Comment by 'Bob' in article 'Winter fun in Western Montana'

    This was during Christmas holiday 2017
  10. Amazon reveals top 20 city candidates for its second HQ

    Breaking Amazon reveals top 20 city candidates for its second HQ

    Amazon has reviewed the proposals from potential candidate cities for its second North American headquarters location, and it found 20 of those the most promising. The mayors of these top 20 cities will now fight to the death in a Battle Royale-style island arena… er wait, no actually they’ll...
  11. Bob

    Amazon reveals top 20 city candidates for its second HQ

    This thread is for the general discussion of the article Amazon reveals top 20 city candidates for its second HQ. Please add to the discussion here.
  12. Winter fun in Western Montana

    Winter fun in Western Montana

    Fusce et massa non est iaculis porta ac et neque. Proin ex lacus, facilisis et orci volutpat, luctus auctor metus. Vivamus vehicula, nisi eu tempor hendrerit, velit elit suscipit tellus, vel vulputate diam mi condimentum sapien. Fusce non nulla sit amet lorem dapibus laoreet in eget dui. Aenean...
  13. Bob

    Winter fun in Western Montana

    This thread is for the general discussion of the article Winter fun in Western Montana. Please add to the discussion here.
  14. Lorem Ipsum test article

    Lorem Ipsum test article

    Lorem Ipsum "Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit..." "There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain..." Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean luctus...